Sunday, November 2, 2014

Something CNC this way...

CNC router "Routy"
So I have decided to build a CNC router as my thesis work for my bachelor's degree in embedded systems at the university of applied sciences in Tampere, Finland. I will be making a full report on it and I will also be publishing a build log here in my blog.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Project: Carbon Quad Finished

Finally all the parts needed have arrived and it's time to complete the build. (link to previous project log part).

Motors and ESCs lined up. They need some preparing before connecting everything up.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Super Simple Portable FPV groundstation

Along with the new quadcopter designed for FPV-flying I needed to sort my complicated mess of a groundstation to be simple to setup and portable enough to carry around in a backpack, so I can go traveling with it and start flying anywhere with as small of a setup time as possible. So I pretty much simplified it to have no extras, but just the things needed to fly, which are a screen, video receiver and a battery.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Project: Carbon Quad

My new goal is to make a good frame for FPV-flying, so it has be laid out properly where everything goes on it. I intend on putting a GoPro 3 on it to capture some sweet aerial footage. SO with what I had learned from my earlier projects I decided to make a mock up first in 3d of the frame and I came up with something like this.

The idea with the weird shape of the center plates is to make it oblong shaped so I have actually some space where to put the flight controller, RX, VTX and the GoPro. The center area with the hole will be taken mostly with the flight controller. The center plate is not big, it's only 10 cm across on the thinnest part and 15 cm the long way.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Project: LedBlaster 8000

This is one of my active projects at the moment. I started it around december of 2013 after reading an awesome article on about a DIY light controller. I designed my own boards on the same month and ordered them from IteadStudio and made a parts list and ordered them from Digikey. We'll continue this story later in the post.

It's a lighting controller for RGB-leds to be used with DMX lights software like Freestyler or with christmas lighting software like Vixen 3. This project was based on Shelby Merrick's original project* for the same thing, but I did some changes here and there. For example, Shelby's original Floodbrain board was 18-channel controller, which you could use to control 6 RGB-leds, but mine has 24 channels, which is good for 8 RGB-leds.

(*Link to Shelby Merrick's original controller project)

First populated prototype version pcb

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hello Blog

I will start keeping project logs here to show the internet the projects I'm doing atm, what I'm planning and where I'll be going with them and hopefully connect more with enthusiasts' around the world to talk about them or maybe their own projects.